Applying OpenWRT to a TPLink TL-WR1043ND v1

Here are the steps I used to install OpenWRT on a TL-WR1043ND v1 then install LUCI web GUI.

Before proceeding, take a backup of current config, download original TP-Link firmware, and make a note of all settings.

1. Download the latest stable release (factory and upgrade) for TL-WR1043ND v1.x here 

2. Logon to router, System Tools -> Firmware Upgrade -> Browse

3. Select the factory OpenWRT file and click Upgrade

4. Allow the system to upgrade and restart.

5. Use telnet client (Tera Term/ Putty) to connect to
          Username: root
          Password: <blank>

6. Apply and verify PPPOE WAN settings with the following commands

uci set network.wan.proto=pppoe
uci set network.wan.username='USERNAME'
uci set network.wan.password='PASSWORD'
uci commit network
ifup wan

7. Before applying Luci web GUI package, resolve issues with low memory by disabling some distribution feeds.

vi /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf

Comment all lines except 'base' and 'luci'
(INSERT key to edit, ESC key to finish, :x to save)

8. Apply Luci web GUI package

opkg update
opkg install luci

9. Browse to and logon with root

10. Use the web GUI to apply the 'upgrade' OpenWRT firmware file.

11. Repeat everything from step 4.

12. Use the web GUI to configure Wi-fi, firewall, etc.

I had an issue where the Wi-fi would drop out every 30 mins, to test a workaround fix run the following command to disable Adaptive Noise Immunity (will reset after reboot).

echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/ani

If this solves the issue, apply permanently by adding above line to /etc/rc.local

The problem persisted, so I also tried adding the following to /etc/config/wireless

option disassoc_low_ack '0'
option wpa_group_rekey '0'

This didn't help either, so I ended up disabling wireless and plugged an old TP-Link AP in.

SCCM - WSUS MasterFrontEndServer Shared Database

I came across an issue recently where one of the SUP's in our SCCM environment failed to synchronize with Microsoft due to network issues.

I assumed the SUP being used for synchronization was the server shown with 'Microsoft Update' as the synchronization source. However, it turns out this wasn't the case. I had to view a record in the SUSDB to determine which system was actually synchronizing with MS.

To view the NLBMasterFrontEndServer, run the following SQL query on the SUSDB.

SELECT NLBMasterFrontEndServer
  FROM [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbReference]

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Senior Consultant at CDW UK specialising in Microsoft workspace and cloud technologies.